

Sealcoating is the application of a specially-formulated liquid coating to asphalt pavement. As the liquid dries, it hardens to seal the pavement from water penetration, sun damage, and chemicals that can degrade asphalt surfaces over time. Typically made from refined tar or petroleum products, sealcoating also reduces friction, creating a smoother driving or parking surface.

Unlike asphalt paving, sealcoating is not a method used to repair asphalt surfaces. Think of sealcoating more like pavement maintenance instead of repair service. Any defects that exist under the surface will remain after the seal coating is complete.

While seal coating can effectively cover small cracks and blemishes, it is much more effective at protecting your driveway from damage than repairing existing defects.

We also do minor repairs to driveways such as chips, broken areas, and potholes.

you asked we answer

We proudly service most of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania

We have over 7 years of experience in the business

We offer seal coating, crack filling, minor repair to holes and lining blacktop

Absolutely. Acosta Sealcoating makes sure there is no stone left unturned. We’re licensed and insured to insure everyone’s covered in case of an accident.

First, you would Contact Us to let us know what services you’re requesting. Then we will arrive to the subject are and provide a free estimate. We give you a quote and then work out a date and time to do the job!

Typically, we don’t run into this issue, as we have various methods of determining how much material is needed to complete each job. Once we give you a price, that’s it!

As soon as the same day in most cases.

It depends on the size of the area we’re working on. Commercial Parking lots could take up to 2 days, although in most cases they’re finished in one day. A residential project can be done in less than 2 hours.